Offered here is a scarce high grade John Jackson putter, circa 1840s-50s. Jackson was a native of Perth who, quite remarkably, was employed by the Perth Golfing Society when only 20 years old in 1825. In The Chronicles of Golf 1457 - 1857, the author Alastair Johnston remarks that "[Jackson's] workmanship, as well as the quality material that he insisted on using, earned his clubs the respect that heretofore had been reserved for the legendary Hugh Philp." According to The Clubmaker's Art by Jeff Ellis, "[a]ltough Jackson was making clubs during the same period as Hugh Philp and Douglas McEwan, very few of his clubs remain compared to the number of known McEwan and Philp clubs."
This John Jackson putter is extremely clean, and a wonderful example of the master craftsman's work. The clubs shows minimal use. The face still contains Jackson's original file marks. Another word on rarity from The Clubmaker's Art: "[F]or a collector to settle only for a nearly unused Jackson is practically to guarantee never owning one at all."
This club contains a bold Jackson crown stamp.