This beautiful sterling silver putter head is complete with its original 34" shaft and leather wrapped grip. The sterling silver head was made for Hagen by Lambert Bros Jewelers of New York.
The December 1925 issue of Golf Illustrated describes this putter as "the exact replica of the putter used by Walter Hagen in four open championships. Head and cap of sterling silver, shaft of selected wood. Suitable gift inscription can be engraved on back of the club." Many of these clubs were presented as prizes at tournaments. This particular one has no additional engraving on it to indicate any winner or specific event.
As these clubs were also made for play, this one does show light use. Even so, it remains in wonderful original condition and when put on display will shine and sparkle bright for all to admire!
For more about Hagen's sterling silver putter, see The Clubmakers Art Volume 1 page 383.